Smoke Gernade

Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 by James-C in

A smoke gernade made my Jon, James,and Johnson

This smoke gernade has been though many edits and finally this is the second final one we made...

Lessons learned, never trust Jon, he overdoesed the smoke gernade with gunpowder...

so there are not much smoke and more fire...

Video edited by Jon, uploaded by me!


Java Anyone??

Posted: Sunday, March 21, 2010 by James-C in

Anyone reading this knows about javascript???

Its down to the earth confuseing...

I mean, who can memorise all that code... ZOMG

I'm trying to make myself a custom shoutbox as you can see, and i seem to missing javascript or maybe some php script...

Be back with updates WhenEver

Monster Poster

Posted: by James-C in

I was bored and stuff so i made this:

Ha ha ha...

Smexy eh?

I just duplicated the pic and blured the bottom one and made a layer mask over the can...



806 Logo

Posted: by James-C in

I finally decided to release the 806 logo to the public...


Designer: James Chu
Idea by: James Chu
Editor: James Chu
Render: James Chu
Supervisor: James Chu

For short:
Made By: James Chu

What you are about to see has been classified for a long time...
Many people, including class members have never seen it before...

Here is my baby...

Adobe Web Premium

Posted: Friday, March 19, 2010 by James-C in

This is my personal designing softwares series

I accually love it...

It includes:
Dreamweaver CS4
Flash CS4 Professional
Photoshop CS4 Extended
Illustrator CS4
Fireworks CS4
Acrobat 9 Pro
Soundbooth CS4
Contribute CS4
Adobe Bridge CS4
Adobe Device Central CS4
Version Cue CS4

To me it is like heaven on earth...

Details can be found here:

Its 1,699 USD

which is around 50970 NTD

Of course i didn't buy it but at least i regiesterd it to adobe...

Custom Favicons

Posted: Thursday, March 18, 2010 by James-C in

If your wondering whats a favicon, then let me explain.

A favicon is the small icon of a website in IE or firefox etc...

That small logo/icon next to the name of the website is called a favicon.

You can also do that in blogspot too!

instead of an orange b, you can change it to something more personal...

To change the favicon in your blog/website

Put the folloing code after the ""


Put this code in Edit HTML in Blog/Layout

put the favicon in a host and put the link in the code.

If you do not understand what I'm talking about, then i don't recommend you to continue.


Posted: by James-C in

This is really hard...

I can't even figure it out myself.. = =

There is only 1 bug, which is the post function...

It can't post so it's been giving me a huge headache!!

I've been salvageing shoutboxes from everywhere hopingto find an answer, but I end up analyzing hundreds of scripts.

Here is what i edited of ShoutMix:


And some other ones that I don't want to upload... :P

Simple is the best right?

Just use ShoutMix or Cbox

Don't try to make your own shoutbox....

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, then i recommend you not to continue.

Incline Frames

Posted: Monday, March 15, 2010 by James-C in

iframe is short for Incline Frame. This code allows you to restict sizes of webpages that you intergrate into your blog/site.

here is an example:

The code can be found Here.

Remember to replace:
html_intro.asp into your own site

All " should not be removed!

If you still don't understand what I'm talking about then i recommend you not to continue

Music in Websites

Posted: Friday, March 12, 2010 by James-C in

This is quite easy.

First: Find a web host, probably a free one...
When you have a host, it will give you 3 essential things:

FTP Server
FTP Username
FTP Password

Secondly: Download Filezilla Client and enter the 3 things above and for the last box put in 21 for FTP uploading.

Thirdly: Upload your music file in the server, and remember where you put it.

For Blog:
1.Sign in at Blogger/

2. On your blog, go to the dashboard by clicking Customize

3. Click on Layout

4. Select Edit HTML

5. Find a spot to place the following code

6. Place this Code

For Normal WebSite:
1. Find a spot to place the following code

2. Place this Code

If you don't seem to understand what I'm talking about, i recommend you not to continue.

Thank You

HTML Configureing

Posted: Thursday, March 11, 2010 by James-C in

Well HTML isn't that hard is it??

I'm sure you are also able to understand an HTML code partaly...

Here are some simple stuff:

font-family: "name of font";
font-size: "size"pt;
color: "color code";
font-weight: "bold etc...";
vertical-align: "where";
margin: "margin";Fac

EDIT: this is CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

notice that all scripts have a ; at the end

Well, HTML really is hard and i really can't tell you everything now...
Seriously, I sometimes look at something and then go, "What the hell is this thing here?!!?!?!?"

Just look at it more and you'll find the pattern...

Did you know it took me 10 mins to edit the Copyrights area?
That isn't avalable from the control panel you know?
HTML editing is like defuseing a bomb, you need to know which line to delete and line that you can't delete.

If you accedentally deleted something that is important, everything goes wrong and tons of errors pop up annoying you...

Well hope this was some use to you